Tuesday, May 5, 2015

Training Again!

Date: May 4, 2015 at 8:49:06 AM MDT
From: Nicholas Holmes <nicholas.holmes@myldsmail.net>

Whats up family!! 

So this week was a great week but super busy! We didn’t have a ton of time to work because of all the meetings we had but they were all super worth it! It was a great week! 

So like I know that you are all wondering as to whether I stayed or if i was transferred! I stayed!! Woo Hoo!! I am super excited for sure! Elder Sá, my companion, was transferred but the other two stayed as well! It was an answer to prayer that they stayed, really, because they usually make us lunch! haha! The other good news is that I’m going to train! AGAIN!  President really likes me as a trainer so I told him I’m up for the job! I had a great interview with President on Tuesday! iI love President DaltoN! He really is so awesome! He told me he feels he could put me anywhere in the mission with any calling, but that he wants me to keep training, so he can have a bunch of little elder holmes in the mission when i leave! haha. I told him I would be up for whatever he wants so he made me a trainer again! I’m way excited about it.  I really love training. It definitely helps keep me on my toes and makes me have to be the best example I can be! Anyway, my “son" will get here tomorrow! From what I’ve heard, we are getting a new elder from Australia so I’m sure hoping  that he comes to Sao Lourenço. That would be so sick!! I will let you know on Sunday when we talk via skype! WOOO! 

Our meeting with bishop causse was super good! These men are so inspired its incredible! Every time i Hear one of them speak, the thought crosses my mind “Yup - the church is true" because they bring the spirit so strong! He talked a lot about focusing on the temple with our investigators, because if they don’t focus on the temple, they will think that baptism is the last step. He also talked about how we can be bold missionaries and how if we learn to love everyone we teach, find, talk to in the street, we will never be afraid to open our mouths and share the truth! It is way true as well! It takes the fear right out of you! His wife as well gave a talk before him which was really good! She told us how they have been serving for 7 years and would have to serve for another 20! When they first recieved the call, she was scared to leave her family and friends, her kids and grandkids. But she then said  "but when we are in the service of our lord, and we are far from our family, is the time when we grow closer to them then ever before”. I loved that a lot because it is so true! I think of the last 2 years being here without my family, but I truly feel like I have grown closer to my family than ever before! It’s amazing how the Lord works! She also told us to be happy because our family needs us to be happy. They need to know that we are happy. So family, I’m here to tell you that I am happy! Happier than ever! It was a great meeting for sure! We didn’t get back till like 9, so we weren’t able to work a ton, but it was for sure worth it! 

We are way excited for Ricardo’s and Rafaela’s wedding this week! I think she is a bit nervous, but everything will work out great! And seeing how I’m super experienced and took a photo class in high school, I have been designated as the photog for the wedding! It’s a bummer scott and claire didn’t wait for me. They really missed out on a high class photographer! Keep them in your prayers, though, that everything goes as planned!

I talked to the Stake president on Saturday and from what it sounds like, we should be able to become a branch here super fast! He is way excited with what is going on here with our group and with the branch in Juquitiba! The branch there got a new building to have their meetings in and it is super sick! We went to the open house on Saturday and brought Rafaela and Ricardo and their family. It was so awesome. 

I’m super excited to talk with you on Sunday! I still don’t know where I will be doing it from, seeing that none of the members have internet here!!  but I’ll find a place! Make sure the crappy Holmes internet is up and working! Maybe it would be good to do it at the Wonacotts house instead! haha! 

Love you all. Have a great week! 

Elder Holmes

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